Overview of AS-501B Antistatic Brush:
- ESD safe Anti-Static brushes in assorted sizes.
- Great for dusting and detailing delicate and not-so delicate components and parts.
- Antistatic Materials as defined by the EIA and the ESD Association, refers to the property of material that inhibits triboelectric generation of static charges (generally less than 200 volts). These materials would be near neutral (cotton) in the center of the triboelectric series.
What's more?
Every time you dry brush a surface, whether for cleaning, finishing or applying; a static charge is created. Tribo in the word triboelectric means rubbing. The effect of this charge can range from critical in staticsensitive environments like munitions plant where a static charge can be dangerous or lethal, to extremely serious when working with sensitive (and expensive) electronic components, to problematic throughout the world of manufacturing wherever non-conductive parts
are machined or moved or ungrounded conductive parts
or machined or moved.
In addition to this, static charges come in very large packages. Moreover walking across a carpet on a dry day wearing leather shoes will create upwards of 30,000v of static charge [the spark when you touch the light switch]. Frequently, the term “anti-static” is used as a generalization to encompass low charging, static dissipative and conductive properties. Get AS-501B Antistatic Brush now.
Nom. number | 9000493170 |
Manufacturer | Pro'sKit (Prokit's Industries) |
Weight g | 44 |
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