116-CG1 jumper 2x3.5mm 2-pin open from Ningbo Xinya M&E.
Nom. number | 9000308953 |
Manufacturer | Ningbo Xinya M&E |
Weight g | 0.04 |
These are two pin jumpers (also called shunts) that will create an electrical connection between two pin headers. Commonly used to modify settings on a board or device. Remember when you had to set an IDE hard drive as 'Master' or 'Slave' on the IDE ribbon? These jumpers were priceless if you sneezed and lost one.
Black shorting block (removable jumper) designed for 0.1" (2.54 mm) male header pins.
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These jumpers are most useful. Don't just throw away when you get from somewhere, because it can be hard to find the quality. But now you can get that quality from us.