Are you looking for Heating element to i-Tool / i-Tool nano 10102J? Don't go anywhere because we have the best company quality of this product. The price we offer for the product is slightly lower than anyone. This is because we are distributers! No middle man to charge fees!
The latest members of the i-CON product family – the i-CON pico station 10102J – meets the requirements of users who want to execute their soldering tasks in a professional way. It offers the amateur functions that are essential in industrial manufacturing such as fastest heat-up and heat recovery, stand-by function and calibration mode.
Due to the i-CON pico's simple and user-friendly operating concept, the factory settings provide for a variable adjustment of operating temperature as well as setting of stand-by time and calibration value. Using the free-of-charge PC software and by an optional micro smart SD card further setting options like fixed temperatures, energy level, interlock and shutdown functions are available.
Heating Element for I-Tool (0100CDJ), 24 V, 150 W
Rated Power (W): 150
Weight (g): 6
Nom. number | 9000107054 |
Manufacturer | ERSA Soldering Tools |
Weight g | 8 |
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